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South Hill Apiaries was founded in 2010 by Ithaca College student Hannah Whitehead and Professor of Environmental Studies and Sciences, Jason HamiltonWith advice from local beekeepers in the Finger Lakes Beekeepers Club and Sam Comfort of Anarchy Apiaries, the apiary officially opened in 2011. Hamilton and Whitehead started with just three hives. Over the past 10 years, the apiary has grown to over 20 hives. 


There is more to South Hill’s apiary than producing honey and maintaining bees. Our apiary is both an educational tool, and a resource to connect with the environment. The apiary is a vital part of Ithaca Colleges' Environmental Studies and Sciences Department.




In classes like Bee Ecology, students work alongside Hamilton to run the apiary during the academic year. Additionally, events like Bee Fest allow students to get up close and personal in the apiary.  The apiary is both a business and a tool that teaches students how to manage scientific outreach and independent research.

Meet the Apiary Team

2023-2024 Season

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